Wednesday, February 28, 2007

To be able to see beauty in everything, that is the greatest human quality of all.

Sometimes I get all bothered by the littlest things. To be able to recognize that my feelings may be over-dramatized is the first step in controlling an over-reaction. I feel like I'm getting somewhere. That's growth, I think.

Waiting in line for coffee, rush hour traffic, someone closing the elevator door before I get on...these are things i let bother me in a day.

I'm posting this for the sole reason of reminding myself that this stuff, is just stuff. I would like to remind myself that at the end of the day, when i get home, I am welcomed and embraced by the one I love. I am lucky to have Ted. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. All the "stuff" I encounter when I live my day, after leaving home, are meaningless little annoyances that I shall not let bother me. I will relish in the fact that I found pure happiness. Not anything, not anyone, will shed any negativity on me. Embracing the good, releasing the bad.

Happy day!

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