Friday, March 2, 2007

As another weekend approaches, I fill my head with the possibility of completing tasks during two days off from work. Laundry, cleaning the apartment (which doesn't entail too much and Ted helps anyway) taxes, visiting Nanny Erb and Duncan, washing my car, taking more pictures of Ted and me, uploading the CT trip pictures, talking to Denver friends and getting Walden out for some exercise. It always seems though, that not much gets done...bc I procrastinate. And i would much rather hang out with Ted and not think about all the stuff i should be doing.

The OC is over. What is a girl to do? Buy all the seasons on dvd. I'm so bummed....although I am savouring the one last episode we haven't yet watched...the season and ultimate finale of the show...bc i haven't come to terms with it being over forever. NOOOOOO! I'm such an addict. to those of you who never watched, you are truly missing out - shame on you! Think of your favorite show. now think how you would feel after being told it is canceled. yeah, that doesn't feel good, does it?

I want another tattoo. However, I cannot bring myself, at this age to 1. decide what to get or 2. allow myself to spend money on something like that. It was such a great idea and meaningful expense when i was in my 20's. Now, it's more the thought than the actual act, that turns me on. Probably won't ever do it. unless i need some quick fixing after the snakes on my belly deflate from pregnancy. my baby was swallowed by a boa constrictor, a boa constrictor.

I can't stop eating my LifeSavers Fruit Slices. OMG they are delicious. little slices of goodness - is what they should be called. haven't tried them? go get them. If you like anything that is gummy, you will love them. you'll see.

I am having complete random thoughts today bc I am having difficulty focusing. I didn't realize that I would have to become a firefighter when i started working here but it has become apparent to me that I will need to get the proper certification. While our files indeed have a great deal of organization to them, there is a bit to be revisited in terms of communication. At least it's Friday!

Go out and do something wonderful for the one you love!!

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