Thursday, February 8, 2007

Winding down

Well, today is my last day at the farm. I'm very excited to start my new job on Monday. Excitement stems from knowing I will be intellectually challenged yet not feeling an overwhelming liability that i am the ONLY one who is responsible for figuring things out. will be refreshing to NOT have to feel so clueless. Believe me, nothing can make me feel more clueless than this place. Horrible. just horrible.

Tomorrow, it's off to Connecticut to visit Wendi. I just found out that she is flying through Chicago. It's Winter. Ah heck, any time of the year is a BAD time of year to fly through Chicago. Why Chicago? It's cheaper, I know. For a reason. It sucks. Man, I hope she makes it in...I don't even care if she is on time...I just want her to get here. it will be SO nice to spend time with a gal-pal from D-town. I know you've read how much I miss my friends so I will not bore you with that...just so you know....I'm SUPER excited!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I know I already said this but have a great weekend followed by a great start to a new job!