Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Taste of Spring!

Wow - is it gorgeous today! I'm so happy I had the chance to get out of the office to breathe the fresh air. It's 50 - Mother Nature wanted to thank us for hanging in there with the frigid temps by rewarding us with a few nice days. Rumor has it though, she isn't through with blowing arctic winds our way just yet. I'll take these nice days while I can get them. The red-tailed hawks and Robins are thrilled - outside sounds alive!

Center City Philadelphia is a sight to see. Not only do the sounds stimulate me, but the gorgeous architecture that surrounds me on every side makes me gape with amazement. It's been a LONG time since I have been to Philly, but my trips will be more frequent now as I anticipate filing court documents there on a weekly basis. Alright by me, it 's nice to get out of the office! Philly is beautiful. Just don't look down, cause you will see the trash lined streets and certainly don't make eye contact with any passer-bys...cause they are liable to pick your pocket, or spit on your shoe. The City of Brothers. Brotherly love, my ass.

One of the reasons I looked forward to moving to Colorado was to experience the camaraderie in the community. Walking down the street in a Colorado town, you get smiles, head nods and polite hellos. It didn't stay like that, as all the transplants invaded the Rockies and it became more and more apparent to me that the West was quickly becoming the East, in terms of communal politeness. By the time I moved out of the state, Colorado streets were much like walking down the streets of Philly....I told myself. Till now. It's nothing like it. Colorado still, by far, is much more polite....and heavens to Betsy...CLEANER. East coast mentality is so different. I have noticed a bit of my East coast personality coming back. I witness myself screaming at other vehicles for cutting me off, talking to myself when a door slams into my face, and making snide remarks about the woman who should quit her job if she hates it that much... i fear I'm sinking back into the dark oblivion that is selfishness here on the east side. Who am i kiddin? I was like this in CO. I was a transplant. Nevermind. you all bore witness to one thing or the other...hahahhaha I'm East coast at heart, always will be.

How many cups of coffee does it take to get to the bottom of the coffee pot....well, that depends on what size your cup is, doesn't it? I'm an addict.

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