Thursday, January 25, 2007

Persistance is key!

Did you ever really really want something but thought it was out of your reach? Did you then turn around and kick yourself in the butt and remind yourself that anything is possible if you want it bad enough?

I'm turning in the tractor and heading for the big lights. I get to tell Mr. Mayor of small town to kiss off. I'm so proud of myself! I got a new job! I got the job I wanted. I figure, after interviewing so many times, mastering the techniques of shmoozing...i was bound to land a better job at some point. After awhile, it became a MISSION. Now, I think I will be able to get on with feeling more comfortable in this new life of mine.

true love, check.
job, CHECK
home, apt will do for now...check
dog, check
cats, check
family a stone's throw away, you bethcha.

for everything else there's Mastercard.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I just found a stray piece of dark chocolate at the bottom of my bag...and i ate it.

I'm dreaming that i can be the winner of the Powerball drawing. i said, i'm dreaming. what would you do with all that money? here's what i've decided...

not work (i.e. QUIT this lame ass job)
buy a nice, moderate house (maybe $250,000) in a good neighborhood, nothing too big that i can't clean myself (yes, i would still clean, cook, change diapers, etc.)
travel for about 1 year with my honey (live nomadically)
Invest (see how quickly I could turn 1 mil of Walmart stock into 2 mil)
be a stay at home mommy forever plus a day (first have kids)
buy oodles of craft supplies and start making all kinds of wonderfully fun and interesting things that i would in turn, sell, not for the reasons of making money, but just cause i can...and not worry how "that won't pay my bills"
open a store
Buy an very own one
take all my friends on vacation with me (yes, this means you) (we'll go to my island)

throw out all the clothing i have now and buy all new stuff (not Mossimo) the expensive crap that i bitch "isn't for me" will BE FOR ME!
work out 4 hours a day and test myself to see if i rally can have the body of a supermodel
Organize building a dogpark in the city so Walden has a place to play
Donate $$$ to all of my fam and peeps who need some $$$

I'm sure if I took more time I could come up with all kinds of things. I think having a ton of money would make me a little more materialistic....cause i could afford to be. i wouldn't want to spend it all at once, would definitely hire some kind of financial planner as i've seen how quickly i can race thru the dough when no one is watching. I could live quite happily, indeed. those of you who have taken vacation time but never went on vacation, just stayed home to catch up on things, or just to relax, know that there are one billion and one things that are more fun to do other than report to work (for someone else).

remember to buy your ticket.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Getting to know someone

You simply cannot always be in a good mood. We all have our days. Maybe for no reason whatsoever, other than it being cold or raining, you just wake up on the wrong side of bed. So how do you keep your happy face on when you're just not feeling up to par?

I always remind myself to treat others as I want to be treated. It's tough to put on a happy face when you just aren't in the mood. People get bothered, we are human, it happens.

It's the first cold, something coming on and getting the best of him. Ted's sick. People often whine when they don't feel well. Ted is the cutest thing that could be. He bickers to himself and his upper lip folds into cheek like he constantly smells something bad. it's adorable. He needs attention...but at a distance. The best thing to do, I learned, is to just let him be. Get him tea, make sure he has his Alka-Seltzer Cold medicine and let him matter how much he is burning up and drooling...on my lap. cute.

I'm not a dozen roses when I feel terrible. I get could you NOT know how I feel??!!!! It's been awhile since I've gotten sick...I forget how miserable I can be. I'm sure I'm fairly annoying to deal with though. I generally have to take care of it's me that has to deal with me. I'm confident that if or when I fall ill with Ted, he will take care of me - the best he can...

As long as you can giggle to yourself...and remember, not every day is going to be a great day, sometimes you just have to settle for good.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Mission accomplished

Five days straight! I made it five days in a row to the gym. Hard to think, I used to go to the gym every day...that's what happens when it is more convenient!

I'm starting to think I am the pickiest of people when it comes to my job. Some days I tell myself I deserve better, other days I remind myself that I have a primo spot and should be lucky. Today, I'm thinking life isn't SO bad...could always be worse, and quite frankly, this may be the best it will get, at least in this neck of the woods. So, I try to take a slow breath, relax....stop over-analyzing and manage what i've got, for now. Thank goodness it's Friday.

It's funny to think that before moving home, I had all these great intentions to catch up on forgotten friendships. I have seen ONE, yes ONE of my girlfriends since September, when I planted myself here. Problems exist due to scheduling and holidays, of course, so the blame isn't primarily on me. Tomorrow, I will visit with Molly & Ava. Ava was born in June 2006. Molly I have known since I was 12. I'm hoping this is one little one who will befriend my perspective children. I always wondered...who will my kids be friends with....whose kids of all my friends, will spend the most time with my kids....what couple will bond with us? Everyone needs a couple to share the anxiety of parenting, no? ahhh...more thoughts of the exciting.

Looks like it wll be Spring on the east coast for another weekend.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Kudos to me!

It's Thursday. Last Friday I swore to myself that I would start back at the gym on Monday. I did. I've gone every day. I'm having a hard time mustering up the strength to go today. I can do it, I can, I can.

So, every day it becomes a struggle to manage this less than thrilling job of mine. I try to remind myself that this isn't forever...but it's difficult to remind yourself when you are constantly annoyed. I guess I should be thankful I have a job, that it is so close to home, that nothing really is terribly wrong with it, other than a slight personality conflict. And come on, seriously, we cannot get along with everyone all of the time. I think I set high expectations. That's why I get annoyed.

I spent some time in the Courthouse the past two days. Yesterday for an interview, today to file documents. I do not know what it is about the Courthouse, but I love the sights and sounds; it is stimulating! I was shocked at how LITTLE they start a person off working there. I was disappointed, a wee bit. It has always been a dream of mine to work in the Courthouse.

I found out today that my family is moving my grandmother to a home. This weekend the family will take part in cleaning her house and getting things in order. It's sad. I remember my Nanny Duncan completely with it and capable of caring for not only herself, but an entire family, day after day. It saddens me to come to the harsh realization that life goes full circle. It frightens me from getting "old." It prompts loads and loads of LIFE questions...all of which we mostly choose not to discuss for the fear of realizing our own immortality.

What direction is my life headed? All this time I have wished upon star after star for a hubby and a family and a moderate home. I'm getting there step by thing at a time. I find myself always wanting to rush ahead...but with thoughts of Nanny, I pray that the days slow down.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

January 10, 2007

Well, I am going to give this a whirl and see how well I can keep up with it. I will prepare some thoughts and post more.

Life is starting to settle here in PA. It has taken a bit of time to become acclimated to my new surroundings, but I am adjusting. Reading, PA is a MUCH different kind of place from Denver. I miss the pace of the city, I miss my job, and I miss my friends. I also miss the hot spots to hang out and the diversity of the surrounding neighborhoods. Reading is small. Reading is not very safe. Reading is DIRTY. I would never live in Reading. We currently live in a two bedroom apartment 10 minutes or so outside of the city. Reading is approx. 1 1/2 hours from Philadlephia. I am approx. 40-45 minutes away from my Dad, and the town where I grew up during my teenage years. You certainly have to drive anywhere you want to get to...and there are no dog parks. Poor Walden.

Some people called us crazy. Ted and I met last May after a persistant introduction by his mother. The rest is "interesting reading." I was visiting PA while still residing in CO when it all happened. After we met, I flew back to CO and began talking with him on the phone on a constant basis. He became my date to Colleen's wedding in NY in July. I drove back to PA with him...things got hot after that. We just knew we had to be together. I was contemplating my move to home to PA to occur in 2/07, but after his welcoming invitation to become his roommate and then some... I began to infatuate over welcoming a new life, a new beginning...I found my soul mate and I decided that I was ready for the next chapter in my life to begin.

So, we made arrangements to move me home ASAP. It took us three days by car. Poor Ted was still recovering from the removal of metal shards in his eye. I had to take up the long stretch of road. We didn't make it to our first desitination in Idaho. (i think that's where it was). When you really want to get somewhere, it seems like it takes forever to get there. My Subaru toted a U-Haul, bless its heart, which was packed to the brim. In a last minute feast or famine attempt to pack it all, Colleen ended up with everything that didn't fit in the U-Haul. Lucky you. I was looking for my Ansel Adams print not too long ago....then I remembered it couldn't make the cut. My fav spot was the Motel 6 when we snuck Walden in even tho there were no pets allowed. No one even knew. He was as quiet as a church mouse.

SOOOOOO -- Here I am. Here we are! Life has never felt so right. Ok, i'm not going to lie, it would be better with a good job; I'll take true love over work, any day.