Friday, April 11, 2008

4 month check-up

Romy had her 4 month check-up today. She weighs 15 lbs 15 oz and is 25 3/4 inches long. she is overall pretty much in the 95th percentile in each category. my big Mullins' baby girl! it is interesting that in two months she went from being in the 50th percentile for height and is now in the 95th. we new she grew - but she grew more than i thought!

I decided to dress her in her Halloween costume today. I'm sure it will still fit her come October as it is made to fit up to 18 months of age. it's pretty big... check out my little dragonfly.

The weather has been so warm the past few days. I always am sure to get Romy outdoors for her walk. I like to rant off names of all the flowers, trees and shrubs along the way. What better way for her to get to know the names of them all!? I was always into horticulture, who knows, maybe she will be too. she loves animals...i love animals... It cracks me up to watch her watch Walden. She gets a kick out of him. The first time I heard her laugh out loud, cackling and howling, she was laughing at Walden.

Baby gets kisses. She started to recognize the cats too. Last night she was watching Matilda and then reached out and grabbed her fur (and didn't let go without assistance) while Tilly just looked at her, as if to say.....ouchhhhhhhhh. She loves to watch all the animals. there are lots of them to watch.

cutie patootie. She loves being outside. Nanna got her this hat. It's great to keep the sun out of her eyes. Also, i find it important that any hat contain something to tie it onto her head. great help! I can't wait to be able to work outside and have her watch me in the garden.

Romy loves standing. she hasn't quite sat up on her own yet, but she loves standing more than sitting anyway. If you hold her just a little, she pretty much can hold herself up. For this reason, i bought her shoes. I got her some tiny Keds sneakers. These have really proven to help her get more of a grasp on the ground when she is in her jumper. Also, any shoes, not just Keds are great for this purpose. It's keeping them on her feet that is the challenging part.

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