Thursday, February 21, 2008

Romy is two months old

Her two month visit to the Pediatrician revealed our little one to be 12 lb, 9oz, 22.5" long, and a head circumfrence of 16". She is in the 90th percentile for weight and head size and the 50th for length. It is so surprising to me that she is not longer...with a daddy, uncles and grandfathers over 6 feet tall. Her eyes are still blue and i see no signs of them changing.

She is holding her head up wonderfully and starting to flip herself on her side and back again without trouble. She smiles at the sound of our voices. She makes so many noises it is the most precious thing in the world to hear her little baby voice. She is crying more. She still isn't sleeping through the night but has increased the number of hours she is sleeping. She is pretty easy to read...and i cannot complain - she is a good baby.

She had her vaccinations last Friday and spiked a temperature and was a bit irritable for a few hours. It was difficult to watch her in pain and discomfort. I think we handled it well though. thank goodness for Courtenay's Infant Tylenol advice. that stuff works quick and like a champ.

The MOM job is getting easier for me. well, i guess that isn't the correct word, but things seem to be falling into place with me. going out with her isn't all that frightening. i am building up my muscles from her weight combined with the weight of the car seat. man, it's a workout. I'm currently seeking employment and touring daycares and enjoying the time i have left. Life is less stressful these days.

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