Thursday, May 31, 2007

Energy level = zero

I am so super tired it is amazing i get anything accomplished in a day. after reading that my baby will be growing an inch a week for the next three weeks, its no wonder why i have little to no steam in a day. By mid-afternoon, i am ready to turn in. I would like to thank my wonderful Ted for being so understanding by picking up the chores around the house so i needn't worry about getting them done. Perhaps he noticed that I couldn't muster the energy and have been spending my evenings curled up in bed. My energy will return....some day. i love you Ted, thank you!

My hunger goes in spurts. My aversions to food are constant. Constant in the way that i always have something that turns me off, but never the same thing. I find myself craving salty things - can't get enough cheese - and choking on chocolate. the smell of coffee has turned my past love into a minor repulsion. One thing is sure - the first thing i think about when i wake up is what other kind of salty breakfast i can have instead of eggs. Scrambled eggs are a love right now. pop tarts and toaster strudels are on the back burner. Some days i get full fast, others it takes a ton of food to fill me up. Carbs and more carbs...salt and more salt.

I am yearning for my belly to grow. I have periods where i feel fat and not pregnant and then the next day i feel thinner. my belly comes and goes right now. some people think i should be careful what i wish for - but honestly...i can't wait for my belly....and i don't think i will ever wish it away. (Well, maybe at 9 mths and pushing it)

As I sat watching So You Think you Can Dance last night, it hit me...all those years i went clubbing and thought i was the shit - i was making a complete fool of myself. There are people....who THINK they can dance (I am now guilty) and then put them up against people who really CAN dance and they look pathetic. It's amazing to think that these young kids (some of them) devote themselves to dancing...and i got to thinking....if that's all our kids do - i will be thankful. if it keeps them safe and away from danger of hooligans and druggies....then dance kiddo, dance. Kuddos to those who muster the courage to at least try. TV makes me laugh. what makes me laugh even harder is the fact that now that i am pregnant - everything is thought of in a parenting view.

Friday, May 25, 2007

another week down

my belly grew this week! i will be sure to include a new picture as I have outgrown most of my bottoms! those of you who are familiar with the type of clothing i wore before know why. i tended to wear things that fit....or fit tightly. let me tell ya, it doesn't take long to grow out of stuff when you buy it to fit. Our little baby is still a peanut but at least it is the REAL size of a peanut now. On Wednesday i woke up with a bigger belly. Up until then, i just felt big. fat. now i'm getting that frontal bumpage. COOL!!! very cool! I am starting to feel like a mommy now! it's more and more exciting every day. i know when i am experiencing cramps that he is growing and i get very excited to see how much bigger i will become. I tend to be smaller in the morning and than bloated in the evenings. when i wake up and the bump is still there - man! it's Awesome! i can't wait for him to get bigger!
still having more aversions to food than cravings. most food tastes pretty ordinary to me. still not sick...eating a ton...and very sleepy!

Friday, May 18, 2007

getting the job done

So ted and I finally feel secure and happy with the OB/GYN. After a terrible visit with a different Dr. we decided to try out another one. Well, talk about night and day! Dr Ghattas is so awesome - she took an hour and a half to discuss pregnancy with us, family history, and what to expect from the next 9 months. It was a wonderful visit. at the other place, we never even SAW the darn Dr. for our first child, i think we deserve a little more comfort.

She began by laying out the hormonal changes...yeah, you don't have to tell me. i'm glad i have been so curious about pregnancy and reading all tht i can because I have not ben surprised or put back by anything anyone has told me. Ok, so there was the issue with the vag disch - but that is certainly TMI so i'm not going to go there. i'm not saying that down the road there will be things i can only learn by experiencing....bc i know this for sure. i know that my girls who have had babies wouldn't possibly tell me everything...but i have heard my fair share of stories. I know that there will be moments that are not so glamorous. I know that i may test Ted to his limits. I know I may want to sleep all day long when the sun is shining...all this bc I'm Pregnant!! growing a baby is hard work.

Dr Ghattas went on with the questions concerning family history and almost ran out of paper from scratching down all my family's ailments. Ted went on to say he has been told he is mentally ill if she wanted to put that down too. it was nice to see that everyone had a sense of humor...

She assured me that everything will be fine, and if it isn't she will always go out of her way to make me her first priority and be sure i am getting the attention that i need, medically.

The pelvic exam is always my favorite. i must say though, of most of my friends, i have been one of the only people to keep regimented with going to the GYNo. it doesn't make the table experience any more enjoyable, but i certainly got to know the drill after bi-yearly visits since i was 15 yrs old. Dr Ghattas assured me that childbirth would be particularly milder for me because of the width of my pelvis. WOO HOO gimme a lolly! feel free to submit any (good) comments in the box on your way out. thank you ma'am. yeh, the baby will just fall right out. :-) no, i'm not that naive.

We only get ONE ultrasound at 20 weeks, so i managed to find a pic on the 'net of what our little pea is looking like right now. It's a very exciting week as he went from tadpole to human! he lost his tail!

i've reached the point where none of my dresses are fitting and my underwear are starting to feel constricting. My face broke out a week and a half ago but it's finally clearing up. i'm not as hungry but WAYYYY more fatigued than i have been from day one. My moods have been a little crappy -- i'm hoping this fades quick because it is no fun being short and testy. Week 9 is almost up. Our pea will be growing very quickly as the next few weeks progress. Stay posted so you can see progress of growth. I'll snatch pics from the web so you can get an idea.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Denver or bust

Well, after a five hour delay at the Philly airport, I proceeded to arrive in Denver a little later than usual, but better late than never.

Kind Laura was such a gal pal to pick my butt up and then drop me off to get my hair done. Thank goodness Bobbie was such a sport and made time for me on such short notice. Laura returned shortly after that only to take me to yet another appointment...the one i was looking forward to for two weeks, my waxing appt. Thank goodness!!!! I'm sure there's a spot in Reading to get a good waxing of the bikini area, but i had one bad experience that is making my hands shake to even think about trying it again. Thank you Carrie for fitting me in!! So far, you wonder if i just went to Denver for a little! i went to see my girls!!!

Saturday night I got to crash in on Bobbie's scheduled girls night out. the Hornet was as good a place as any for a prego girl to try to fulfill her not-so measured up BLT from hours before. I got a proper BLT and things got underway. I got to reminisce with Wendi nu nu doody head and Nora pot pie and a bunch of other friends accompanied Bobbie. Dusty - it was great to see you....Janelle, nice to meet up was such a nice comfort to be in the company of girlfriends. nothing really compares to it. nothing. I will never take a great friendship for granted ever again. not that i ever felt like i did, but i sure do wish i would've sent MORE time hanging out with you all before I moved.

I couldn't wait to spend some time with my pregnant cohort, Jenni. It was so awesome to see you again...I sooooooooo wish we could be closer to have more prego moments together. Lily has grown so much, i can't believe it! You look wonderful, as usual, and super happy...nothing out of the norm. It was great to shop together even though you may have felt a little pooped from all that cooking the night before. Come to think of it, i was trying to plan my grocery list around week-cooking. Seeing how my energy level took a HUGE crapper the past day or so, i'm afraid i will not live up to your motivation to plan my meals for the week. That will have to come another time. it's the thought that counts though. You had way more energy than i can muster up right now. yes, i think the pregnancy it finally winning at draining my energy. up until now, i have been pretty active and have felt my same old self. The past two days are torture to make it all morning without a nap. Thank you Jenni for making time to hang out. It meant the world to me.
I cannot go my whole post without mentioning my reunion with the chicken pot pie clan. Colleen was such a sport to make the drive to Estes Park even with a hangover...stopping to puke a couple of times here and there. seriously, i would've wanted my bed...thanks for being such a great sport!!! Estes was snowy and COLD! surprise! the mountains are completely unpredictable in May and well, i happen to catch the weather at it's coldest...sandwiched by two wonderful weekends. Sunday night we got to catch up over dinner at Bar Louie's in the new Northfield (?) shopping center. They put a ton of stores in in record time - i was impressed. if i had more time, i would've loved to check it out more.

I miss the sound of the city. i miss Denver. I wish i could take all of you and the city and bring it over to the east side. PA is beautiful and green...sunshiny, but wet. Pa is home now, but Denver will always bee my home away from home.

And don't forget, Laura's new addition, Bogie...the boge-miester...bogieronie..bogelicious.
12 weeks old...biting and challenging mom's patience. I wish you could get the chance to met Walden...he would race around you and bite your feet. Ahh, i remember when Walden drove me so nuts that i thought i was going to hang him from his little back feet off the balcony. hahhaahha, just kidding! Be consistent, have patience. it WILL get better. and then he will be your very best buddy.
Well, that pretty much wraps up my weekend. traveling while 7 weeks pregnant was no problem. i thank the morning sickness gods for NOT visiting me yet....or any time during my trip. I'm trying to keep you at bay.
it was so great seeing everyone. I can't wait to see you again...when my bump is bumpier!

Friday, May 11, 2007

EVERY day is a new day!

Ok, my love affair with food has become a series of highs and lows. I will say, however, that my life truly revolves around food. what to eat, how much, where...making sure i have food on me at all times. I keep telling myself that I'm an actress putting on pounds for a movie..that's why i have to do it in a hurry. Ladies, I don't know if you are familiar with this pregnancy bit, but remember you get to relax and remind yourself that it's OK to eat...because it isn't just for you, it's for baby. Certainly puts my mind at ease. sometimes. (this is what pregnant people are telling me, i'm just passing it on to you)

I will report that my favorite thing right now...and for the past week, is watermelon. i never much enjoyed watermelon before as i see it as one of those foods that serves no nutritional value whatsoever - but it serves a HUGE purpose when you are prego ( and all the time really!). first - it is fiber. it helps with the motions downstairs. which, i gravely took advantage of before. second - it is a diuretic. perfect! you have never been capable of retaining so much water in your life than right now. third, it's sweetness touches the lips and can be savored for minutes on end. fourth - it's a fruit - there are no guilty calories. i can't believe i didn't like it before. don't EVEN think i will be moving on to corn from are sorely mistaken.

So, last weekend I traveled to Denver to see my girlie girls and let me tell you - it was so refreshing to spend some girlie time....but, now don't take this the wrong way, but...i was even more refreshed to come home. Girl needs a little time with her friends, this is so true. but when girl finds guy and he turns out to be the love of your life...girl loves going home to guy.

I squeezed a lot of stuff into a weekend, i will report more on this later with photos! Thank you to Laura for toting my ass around, much appreciated. And thank you to everyone who made time to hang out with me. I AM SO GLAD I SAW YOU. i love you and cannot wait to see you again soon!!!