Sunday, August 26, 2007

baby, baby, baby

this is our baby girl during her ultrasound on August 14th, 2007.

I wasn't able to get a picture of her legs, but we did see them. they are long, just like her daddy's. As you can tell here...she has some pretty long fingers too. Our little super model!

It took some probing and jostling around to see what gender the baby is, but finally she got a shot of her "sitting" on the lens for us. it was pretty obvious to me. Hello little girl!

We got to tour the birthing center that same day. It was just as i had hoped. My friend Jenni had her daughter Lily almost two years ago...when i was still living in Colorado, and her hospital labor delivery room was awesome. She got to experience that room (and delivery) all over again with the recent birth of her son, Harrison Lee on August 20th. 10 pounds 1 ounce! Congrats Jenni and Randy!!!!! i was saying, her birthing room was so cozy, i knew that when i have a child, that is the way i want mine to be. St. Joseph's Medical Center built a new facility and opened last November. Their LDRs are just as lovely as Jenni's...without the view of the Rockies. Complete with hardwood floors, flat screen tv and cabintry to make it look like home (kinda). Ted and i were both pleased. that 's a load off my mind.

last night, August 26th, baby was getting pretty active as we were sitting watching tv. I had been up and moving all day so i had felt very little during the course of the day. As i was sitting there feeling her bump and kick around i told Ted to put his hand near my abdomen, below my belly button and keep it there. He finally felt the baby kick!! Up until now, i tried to get him to feel her, but he didn't have any luck. finally! he commented...that's pretty neat! I think it will take him some warming up to appreciate her movements. It must be pretty strange to experience pregnancy as a man. He is so removed from it all. Me, my days are consumed by her. I eat, breathe, and sleep baby. literally. she's all i ever think about. :-)

The house is still coming along. Primer paint has been coated on all the walls in most of the house, minus a few rooms. BUT - it is coming along nicely. For those of you interested who didn't get the pictures sent to them, let me know and i will forward them to you. i tend to keep tabs on the house through the slide shows on Sony Imagestation. i don't ever mean to keep the progress that Ted has been making out of my blogs, but with the two things going, it is hard to mention everything on both.

i would like to say that I think Ted is the most amazingly ambitious person i have ever met....or even heard of. He knows how to do it all...and if he doesn't, he learns. no project has been too big for him and he has kept a level head throughout the project even through swift kicks in the butt by bugs, rodents, fungus and leaks. you are my miracle man, baby, and I want you to always know how much i appreciate you and all the hard work you are putting into building our future. I love you greater than the sky's vastness and all the stars within it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's a...


A wonderful, beautiful, healthy baby girl!!!!!

Our ultrasound was yesterday. The images are difficult to decipher at first, but once your eyes get used to it, the unraveling of our baby's hands, feet, spine, butt, head, ears, toes, fingers were all visible!!! fascinating!!! clean bill of health! we couldn't ask for anything more! she is the most precious thing i have ever seen!!! I will try to figure out how to upload the ultrasound pic here...

My due date is not off too much. After making all the necessary measurements, it was determined, that as of yesterday, our baby was 21wks5dys. Her arrival has been bumped up to 12/20. I still say she will get her sooner! let's hope! my dates weren't far off at all.

Here's a pic from Monday, August 13th - 21wks4days

Our OB/GYN had scared me with the thought of twins....she said i was measuring 3 1/2 wks ahead. the ultrasound revealed that to be untrue. completely untrue. apparently my Dr is not very good at measuring fundal height. oh well. just ONE baby!

I get to put the lady bug crib sheet set on my registry! happy happy joy joy!

Monday, August 13, 2007

2 weeks, too long

boy, it's been awhile since i posted...i didn't realize time flew by so quickly!

Well, the house is coming along wonderfully. Ted has been "mudding" and prepping the kitchen walls for paint. This is a very tedious task as there is a lot of waiting around while the mud dries and then you sand, and start all over. Pictures would not do this any justice, so if anyone is wondering where the pics have been...what you may see may not look like much....but it does if you see it every day...coming along nicely.

We chose a kitchen plan and are pretty set with our cabinets. I have picked out paint colors for the master bedroom as well as the nursery. The landscaping has been trimmed back considerably which allows us to view the neighbors across the street when looking out the front door. Decisions are still being made on flooring although we both agree that we shall fore go any use of carpeting in the entire house. The entry way, kitchen and family room will be tile and the rest of the downstairs will wait until after our move.

I have to hand it to my guy - the most motivated, wonderful guy ever - who has plugged away, day after day without any help and has kept his vision of completion within eyesight. I do not know of anyone else who would take on such a huge project....all alone. True, Drew has helped out when he can which has been an enormous help and i thank him for it....but Ted is there every day....doing order to get our house ready for us to move in. no laborers friends to the rescue...working weeknights and super hero! he deserves more than a pat on the back, or a "job well done". there is no reward big enough baby. thank you from the deepest part in my heart.

on another note, i have been wrestling with a painful tooth lately and with the helpful budge of my friend Meredith, i have decided to once and for all take care of the problem and rid myself of pain. i go to the dentist today to find out what may be in store for me. i know a root canal is an option but i fear what else may be wrong... at any rate...i can honestly say, that as much as i despise and abhor the dentist...i look forward to this finally being over. don't worry everyone, no harm to the baby...i googled all i could and this is safe!

Ultrasound is tomorrow. i can hardly stand it. good thing i had my tooth on my mind or the day wouldn't have come up so quickly. i simply am giddy about finding out the sex, altho my honey is "excited", it cannot possibly relate to my elation. woo hoo - stay tuned for more on that.

gotta get a new pic of the belly. i am growing quite nicely, i must say. i am still loving being pregnant! the kicking is the most beautiful feeling in the world. ;-) we love you little baby.