Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
first video loading
Ok, here is a video of Ms. Romy dancing in her bunny costume. Next time I video I will know NOT to turn the camera....sorry for the neck strain.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
a little game....
The rules are below…Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you’ve answered the questions on your blog.
10 years ago I was:
1. trying to make up my mind what to do with my life
2. still breeding reptiles
3. applying to go back to school
4. moving back in with my dad
5. learning how to waiting tables
5 things on today’s to do list:
1. make dinner
2. work on house update photo album online
3. mommy time with Romy
4. Watch Biggest Loser
5. Take shower and do hair before bed and after Romy is in bed
5 snacks I enjoy:
2. Cheese
3. pretzels
4. granola bars
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. quit working
2. Pay off all of our debts
3. go on, there and everywhere
4. help family out financially
5. hire people to finish the rennovations on our house
5 places I have lived:
1. a hotel room for a week
2. on Laura's floor for two weeks (before i bought a bed)
3. Denver, CO
4. Malvern, PA
5. Royersford, PA
5 jobs I have had:
1. landscape designer
2. Reptile Breeder
3. Cashier at Linens store
4. Cashier at grocery store
5. Cashier at women's apparel store
tag to: Laura, Colleen, Carolyn, Cynthia and Allison (although none of you have BLOGs)
10 years ago I was:
1. trying to make up my mind what to do with my life
2. still breeding reptiles
3. applying to go back to school
4. moving back in with my dad
5. learning how to waiting tables
5 things on today’s to do list:
1. make dinner
2. work on house update photo album online
3. mommy time with Romy
4. Watch Biggest Loser
5. Take shower and do hair before bed and after Romy is in bed
5 snacks I enjoy:
2. Cheese
3. pretzels
4. granola bars
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. quit working
2. Pay off all of our debts
3. go on, there and everywhere
4. help family out financially
5. hire people to finish the rennovations on our house
5 places I have lived:
1. a hotel room for a week
2. on Laura's floor for two weeks (before i bought a bed)
3. Denver, CO
4. Malvern, PA
5. Royersford, PA
5 jobs I have had:
1. landscape designer
2. Reptile Breeder
3. Cashier at Linens store
4. Cashier at grocery store
5. Cashier at women's apparel store
tag to: Laura, Colleen, Carolyn, Cynthia and Allison (although none of you have BLOGs)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
moving on up
Romy has been pulling up into a standing position, with assistance, for the past week. She will hold onto my fingers and pull until she is in a full standing position and then she begins to giggle and coo. Romy does this hilarious thing with her voice when she is happy. it sounds like a hiccup (I’ll have to tape it so I have it forever). You know she is really happy when she makes this noise. On her 7 month birthday, July 18th, I sat her next to the dishwasher as I unloaded it. Next thing I know, she reached up and placed her hands on the opened door and pulled herself into standing. Her first reaction was fear as I looked at her gasping to cry but that quickly turned into a hiccup with giggles. Then she looked at me with the question – now what? And kept on giggling.
This past weekend was a mommy weekend. She seemed so comfortable with me. So much so, that she would not nap well for fear of missing out on time with me or fear that I will be gone when she wakes up. She has not been napping well for me, but does well for everyone else. I wonder what this is about.
She had begun to roll about when she sleeps. Ted and I have discussed dropping the mattress so she will not be able to climb out. I guess the rule of thumb is that when the child can pull themselves up, it’s time to lower the mattress. I watch her when she isn’t looking and see her rolling this way and that and kicking her legs about. She has become a bit more interested in her crib.
Her eyes are still changing. They seem very hazel. I’m not sure if they are changing to brown or not. Every day they appear a different color.
I am not sure where she picked it up but recently she began to lower her voice very raspy (sounds like she is possessed) and then coughs and then begins again. It sounds so funny. It is almost as if she knows she is being funny.
Romy hung out with her friend Meredith last night. Meredith is two months older than she is. It’s neat because they will go to the same school. Her mommy, Sheri and I are hoping that they are friends…because we will remain friends. It is nice to have a mommy friend to hang out with and share baby experiences and relate to. Meredith is starting to try to walk. She walks while holding onto one finger from mommy. It’s great to see her develop. She is conquering milestone after milestone. Romy watches and is so intent. Won’t be long before she is mobile!!!
This past weekend was a mommy weekend. She seemed so comfortable with me. So much so, that she would not nap well for fear of missing out on time with me or fear that I will be gone when she wakes up. She has not been napping well for me, but does well for everyone else. I wonder what this is about.
She had begun to roll about when she sleeps. Ted and I have discussed dropping the mattress so she will not be able to climb out. I guess the rule of thumb is that when the child can pull themselves up, it’s time to lower the mattress. I watch her when she isn’t looking and see her rolling this way and that and kicking her legs about. She has become a bit more interested in her crib.
Her eyes are still changing. They seem very hazel. I’m not sure if they are changing to brown or not. Every day they appear a different color.
I am not sure where she picked it up but recently she began to lower her voice very raspy (sounds like she is possessed) and then coughs and then begins again. It sounds so funny. It is almost as if she knows she is being funny.
Romy hung out with her friend Meredith last night. Meredith is two months older than she is. It’s neat because they will go to the same school. Her mommy, Sheri and I are hoping that they are friends…because we will remain friends. It is nice to have a mommy friend to hang out with and share baby experiences and relate to. Meredith is starting to try to walk. She walks while holding onto one finger from mommy. It’s great to see her develop. She is conquering milestone after milestone. Romy watches and is so intent. Won’t be long before she is mobile!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Romy is 7 mths old today!
Romy is 7 months old!
Wow – ok, time really DOES fly by after you have a baby. It is important to capture and jot down all the little things your baby does along the way because before you know it, they will be asking you for the car keys and you will be wondering where the time went.
The past seven months have been a whirlwind of emotions and full of new, wonderful, often trying experiences, but nonetheless, all have been experiences that have challenged me and made me grow as a individual, partner and a new mommy.
Here is what I recall…
Month ONE: Holy cow. This baby is not going anywhere and she is still here when we wake up. Who would have ever thought! Elation of the new package still fulfills me – welcoming all visitors so we can boast about our beautiful new baby. Household chores? Who CARES?!! What dog? When was the last day the cats were fed? Have you SEEN these cute little feet and hands? I suspected to be sorer than I was, but healed rather quickly. Breast-feeding is challenging but well worth every effort. So ecstatic to be able to sleep on my back, stomach and however the heck I want to sleep! Surprised at how quiet the baby is, she hardly ever cries. Christmas is a blur but enjoyed not having to go anywhere. Loving my slippers and sleeping on the futon in the TV room. Cannot believe how HUNGRY I am! Took 50 pictures a day! Posted pics online. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month TWO: Elation still overwhelms me. Still in awe of the new little one. Fawning over her preciousness. Breast feeding has gotten much more comfortable. Still watching Bringing Home Baby and A Baby Story as they are the most wonderful comparable shows to my most recent experience. Thrilled to be fitting into three month pregnancy clothes. Starting to feel human again. Still sharing baby with new guests. Still sharing labor story with everyone who hasn’t heard it and some who have to hear it twice. Appreciating cooked meals from Ted’s mom. Napping when baby naps. Hormones still making me all giggly and warm inside though started to feel a bit more “questionable” like PMS. Waking every other hour to feed as she lay in her co-sleeper next to us in our bedroom. Watching Ted hold her as she sleep on his chest. Seeing how tiny she is against us and remembering how much she grew in just one month. Began pumping breast milk for reserves for when I go back to work. Introduced a pacifier. Took 50 pictures a day! Posted pics online. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month THREE: Getting my period for the first time in almost a year. Job searching. Laura visits and meets Romy for the first time. Taking advantage of other people holding her and trying to get something accomplished in that short period of time. Inviting friends over to get chores accomplished. Comfortable with breast-feeding. Took 50 pictures a day! Began taking her to the Exeter Library for Lap-Sit time, a story and play time for infants. This is where we met Sheri (mommy) and Meredith (2 mths older than Romy)…a playmate and soon-to-be friend. Took on the stay-at-home mommy job and started cooking dinner for sweety! This may have happened prior to this time, but I cannot remember. We never went hungry….i know that much. Feeding baby every other hour. Took plenty of pictures a day! Posted pics online. Could get things done while she slept. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month FOUR: Job searching and interviewing. Getting very anxious as unemployment benefits will run out soon. Totally over the baby shows…I can do it all better. Hahhahhahaha. Loving Jon & Kate plus 8 now. Could still get things done while she slept. No longer napping when she naps….doing chores instead. Wondering how I will juggle two kids. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month FIVE: Enjoying EVERY MINUTE I have at home with baby. Wishing Romy could get where she wanted to go on her own. Wishing I didn’t have to work but stressed about not working. Keeping the house relatively clean and proud of it. Try rice cereal but she hates it. Introduce vegetables and applesauce and watch her enjoy new foods. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month SIX: Romy is just about six mths of age when she starts daycare and I start my new job (Roland & Schlegel). She gets a cold a week into daycare and I get sick too. Ted gets sick shortly thereafter. Baby gets over illnesses but I hang onto whatever it is as we enter Month SEVEN. Romy gets her first tooth about 6 ½ mths. I find it practically impossible to do everything I think I am responsible for and haven’t learned to ask for help with anything. Feel the house is an utter mess and let it bother me. Though by the end of the month I start to allow things go a little more. Poop is taking on a new consistency and smell. Loving that I don’t have to change ALL the dirty diapers since she is watched during the weekdays. Trying to keep up with posting pictures online. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month SEVEN: Romy pulled herself up to a standing position last night as I placed her next to the dishwasher door as it lay open. She placed both of her hands down and pushed up and stood for a second, almost started to cry but then cooed a little giggle. Might be crawling soon as she downward-dogged it this morning. I’m still sick. She is still the best thing on earth. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
There are days when i think i'm the worst mom ever and then there are days when i think i'm the best. There are times when i think i'm the worst partner and there are days when i feel i'm the best. and then there are days when i feel like i couldn't possibly be responsible for any mor things and then there are days when i can't wait to have another baby. I guess what it boils down to is that, after seven months, i'm doing the best that I can. I'm so happy, so in love and so blessed with this life....i remember this every chance i get.
Wow – ok, time really DOES fly by after you have a baby. It is important to capture and jot down all the little things your baby does along the way because before you know it, they will be asking you for the car keys and you will be wondering where the time went.
The past seven months have been a whirlwind of emotions and full of new, wonderful, often trying experiences, but nonetheless, all have been experiences that have challenged me and made me grow as a individual, partner and a new mommy.
Here is what I recall…
Month ONE: Holy cow. This baby is not going anywhere and she is still here when we wake up. Who would have ever thought! Elation of the new package still fulfills me – welcoming all visitors so we can boast about our beautiful new baby. Household chores? Who CARES?!! What dog? When was the last day the cats were fed? Have you SEEN these cute little feet and hands? I suspected to be sorer than I was, but healed rather quickly. Breast-feeding is challenging but well worth every effort. So ecstatic to be able to sleep on my back, stomach and however the heck I want to sleep! Surprised at how quiet the baby is, she hardly ever cries. Christmas is a blur but enjoyed not having to go anywhere. Loving my slippers and sleeping on the futon in the TV room. Cannot believe how HUNGRY I am! Took 50 pictures a day! Posted pics online. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month TWO: Elation still overwhelms me. Still in awe of the new little one. Fawning over her preciousness. Breast feeding has gotten much more comfortable. Still watching Bringing Home Baby and A Baby Story as they are the most wonderful comparable shows to my most recent experience. Thrilled to be fitting into three month pregnancy clothes. Starting to feel human again. Still sharing baby with new guests. Still sharing labor story with everyone who hasn’t heard it and some who have to hear it twice. Appreciating cooked meals from Ted’s mom. Napping when baby naps. Hormones still making me all giggly and warm inside though started to feel a bit more “questionable” like PMS. Waking every other hour to feed as she lay in her co-sleeper next to us in our bedroom. Watching Ted hold her as she sleep on his chest. Seeing how tiny she is against us and remembering how much she grew in just one month. Began pumping breast milk for reserves for when I go back to work. Introduced a pacifier. Took 50 pictures a day! Posted pics online. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month THREE: Getting my period for the first time in almost a year. Job searching. Laura visits and meets Romy for the first time. Taking advantage of other people holding her and trying to get something accomplished in that short period of time. Inviting friends over to get chores accomplished. Comfortable with breast-feeding. Took 50 pictures a day! Began taking her to the Exeter Library for Lap-Sit time, a story and play time for infants. This is where we met Sheri (mommy) and Meredith (2 mths older than Romy)…a playmate and soon-to-be friend. Took on the stay-at-home mommy job and started cooking dinner for sweety! This may have happened prior to this time, but I cannot remember. We never went hungry….i know that much. Feeding baby every other hour. Took plenty of pictures a day! Posted pics online. Could get things done while she slept. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month FOUR: Job searching and interviewing. Getting very anxious as unemployment benefits will run out soon. Totally over the baby shows…I can do it all better. Hahhahhahaha. Loving Jon & Kate plus 8 now. Could still get things done while she slept. No longer napping when she naps….doing chores instead. Wondering how I will juggle two kids. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month FIVE: Enjoying EVERY MINUTE I have at home with baby. Wishing Romy could get where she wanted to go on her own. Wishing I didn’t have to work but stressed about not working. Keeping the house relatively clean and proud of it. Try rice cereal but she hates it. Introduce vegetables and applesauce and watch her enjoy new foods. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month SIX: Romy is just about six mths of age when she starts daycare and I start my new job (Roland & Schlegel). She gets a cold a week into daycare and I get sick too. Ted gets sick shortly thereafter. Baby gets over illnesses but I hang onto whatever it is as we enter Month SEVEN. Romy gets her first tooth about 6 ½ mths. I find it practically impossible to do everything I think I am responsible for and haven’t learned to ask for help with anything. Feel the house is an utter mess and let it bother me. Though by the end of the month I start to allow things go a little more. Poop is taking on a new consistency and smell. Loving that I don’t have to change ALL the dirty diapers since she is watched during the weekdays. Trying to keep up with posting pictures online. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
Month SEVEN: Romy pulled herself up to a standing position last night as I placed her next to the dishwasher door as it lay open. She placed both of her hands down and pushed up and stood for a second, almost started to cry but then cooed a little giggle. Might be crawling soon as she downward-dogged it this morning. I’m still sick. She is still the best thing on earth. We are so blessed and thankful. She is beautiful.
There are days when i think i'm the worst mom ever and then there are days when i think i'm the best. There are times when i think i'm the worst partner and there are days when i feel i'm the best. and then there are days when i feel like i couldn't possibly be responsible for any mor things and then there are days when i can't wait to have another baby. I guess what it boils down to is that, after seven months, i'm doing the best that I can. I'm so happy, so in love and so blessed with this life....i remember this every chance i get.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Party girl

She is SO CUTE!
Romy – you are so freakin cute it makes my heart dance with enjoyment every time I even think of you!
We had a surprise party for my mom’s birthday (58) last Saturday, July 12th. The secret was well kept and Mom was certainly surprised. Romy enjoys crowds of people. She pretty much skipped her naps for the day and didn’t go to bed until late. My brother was amazed at how well she behaved through the entire party. Romy seems to like to take it all in. She stares and is quiet like she is thinking and processing everything she sees. I like to think I am the same way. Ted is very similar to that too. She is SUCH a delight when she is not teething.

Romy is trying to go from sitting to belly in order to try to crawl. She gets discouraged when she cannot get to where she wanted to go. However, I have noticed that she will use her butt while in sitting position in order to move forward. It is when she is laying down that she cannot figure out how to go forward.
I decided to buy some more toys today. Time flies by and next thing you know you find yourself thinking – I wonder if she could use some more challenging toys…those old toys seem to be boring her. She is also growing out of her 9 mth clothes very quickly. She is into 12 mth clothing now. I imagine she is around 19 pounds.
She LOVES when her Daddy even threatens to kiss her coming at her making piggy noises. She will flinch up with anticipation. It is so hilarious. She laughs out loud. One of my favorite memories which I think will stay embedded in my mind for a while (hopefully forever) will be of the three of us laying in bed laughing and playing. I’m sure there will be more days like that, but even as an almost 7 month old, Romy is able to enjoy the childish antics her mommy and daddy play just to get a rise out of her. If only she knew … if only she could grasp… just how much she is loved.
Romy – you are so freakin cute it makes my heart dance with enjoyment every time I even think of you!
We had a surprise party for my mom’s birthday (58) last Saturday, July 12th. The secret was well kept and Mom was certainly surprised. Romy enjoys crowds of people. She pretty much skipped her naps for the day and didn’t go to bed until late. My brother was amazed at how well she behaved through the entire party. Romy seems to like to take it all in. She stares and is quiet like she is thinking and processing everything she sees. I like to think I am the same way. Ted is very similar to that too. She is SUCH a delight when she is not teething.

Romy is trying to go from sitting to belly in order to try to crawl. She gets discouraged when she cannot get to where she wanted to go. However, I have noticed that she will use her butt while in sitting position in order to move forward. It is when she is laying down that she cannot figure out how to go forward.
I decided to buy some more toys today. Time flies by and next thing you know you find yourself thinking – I wonder if she could use some more challenging toys…those old toys seem to be boring her. She is also growing out of her 9 mth clothes very quickly. She is into 12 mth clothing now. I imagine she is around 19 pounds.
She LOVES when her Daddy even threatens to kiss her coming at her making piggy noises. She will flinch up with anticipation. It is so hilarious. She laughs out loud. One of my favorite memories which I think will stay embedded in my mind for a while (hopefully forever) will be of the three of us laying in bed laughing and playing. I’m sure there will be more days like that, but even as an almost 7 month old, Romy is able to enjoy the childish antics her mommy and daddy play just to get a rise out of her. If only she knew … if only she could grasp… just how much she is loved.
We have been spending more time with her getting her to walk. she loves to have her hands held while she tries to take one foot in front of the other. She starts to giggle and click her voice (odd noise) while she is walking. She tends to drag her toes as she steps tippy-toe. She needs some shoes to assist her. Socks with grippy bottoms help. She will hold herself up while holding onto the coffee table.
She is learning how to be gentle while petting the animals. She pets Walden and he tries to play with his toys with her. We haven't quite figured out how this will work, but Romy has quite a strong grip and Walden tends to think she is playing tug-o-war.
She has moved to Stage two foods. Her poop is becoming more solid! ahhh...the milestones!
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